Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Dancing Is My Remedy, Remedy, Oh

Well it isn't really but does lead me to the main topic of this postie-piece.

The beginning of the year brought the musical stylings of one Little Boots to the forefront of my attention. Naturally this attention to one particular act after listening to one particular song eventually fizzled out much like an indigestion tablet in a glass of water, leaving a bit of a cloudy mess in its wake.

The recent happening of my 20th "bon anniversaire" celebrations (which incidentally involved a Mexican lunch, bird puppet rape, late late night outage and bowling with mummy) prompted me to flick on the old iTunes to download the album I've had the intentions of purchasing but not obsessing about.

Two days on and so far I've listened to it only about 27 times. And as with any collection of the same songs over and over again, one does tend to pick out one's favourites. Hence the blog title.

I also so pleased that the song in question (it's Remedy btw, just realised I haven't mentioned it by name) will be the next single by the little blonde beauty. Even though I have no interest in singles and would never buy them (I mean, why pay for a song when you're only gonna buy it again alongside a collection of others?) they do tend to get other people recognising them and stuff.

Oh dear, I'm suddenly realising I've run out of steam on this one now and besides it now just seems like an awful lot of praise for a small aspect of the music industry... which it actually is, in all honesty. Maybe I should wrap up now.

This be Wrappage...

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