Monday, 25 January 2010

A Wee Matter That Hath Strucketh Me

Regarding the fact that it's been a year since I started the original "aquamaroon" blog (which seemed a decent idea at the time until I got bored of the hosting site and the name itself) and the fact that I've been moaning about not being able to do any of the fun creative shizz I had originally wanted to do, it has occured to me that since I am in fact able to carry out said fun creative shizz now, I actually haven't done anything about it. I think I mentioned in the last post about that ol' notion of "cold feet" and while my feet are physicaly quite warm thanks to the polyester and nylon coating of blackness I currently wear, the internal metaphorical part of these pedals upon which I often walk have plummeted to Antarctic depths.

This idea comes courtesy of a Facebook message I read earlier this evening from a friend who was querying a similar idea... the idea of some random person plonked in front of a rolling camera talking absolute nonsense, visible through a window as hosted on a video hosting website whose name may or may not rhyme with BlueCube. (Not sure if I made that joke on here before... in hindsight I think I probably did and for this I am eternally sorry and shall pay more attention to myself in future. If not, then that's a joke I just made up now off the top of my head)

Basically, I'm struggling to come up with anything to be of talking aboot and if anything I need support and/or guidance.

Prior to this, at a couple of points over the last year I sent messages to the accounts of two rather notorious 'BlueCube' bloggers in the hope that I might receive a brief message of support and/or guidance in return. The names of these bloggers I'm reluctant to reveal for two reasons: [one] quite frankly I wish my messages to remain anonymous and [two] quite frankly I don't feel like giving them much recognition due to the lack of response I received. Spiteful? No! More... deserved, I'd say.

Anyhoo... I think I mentioned previously about biting the bullet but unfortunately the last time someone shot at my mouth, it ended in my teeth shattering into thousands of tiny pieces and consequently resulted in me being kicked out of my magical double act. Either that or nobody's given me any bullets to chew on as a before-dinner snack lately. This is probably just a bit of a copy of the last post but I felt I'd have to write again due to my lack of responses,which seems to be a running theme now anyway.

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