On a more personal level, I've managed to blather on about pointless stuff, like how many hours I've clocked up on the ol' Wii, my own musical ventures, living with restricted Internet access, having odd tunes stuck in my head, writing about postcards, leaving out letters and replacing them with apostrophes, trying to decide between a bowl of dried pasta or half an onion, and drinking tea when I could be drinking gin.
All of this has become simple time-murder whilst I moan at myself about how I wished to spend this month writing, coming up with ideas for poetry, lyrics, short stories, blog posts, murals, mosaics, and other such feats of creativity. Over the last few hours, one word ideas have come to me but unfortunately the prospect of expansion doesn't want to follow, which is a shame really since the expansion of an idea is slightly more necessary. For example, here is my most recent short story for your reading pleasure:
So, right, this guy, he wakes up, right, in the middle of nowhere, doesn't know who he is or where he is, memory loss, right. Anyway, later on it turns out he's been given drugs to forget what happened to him and he's on a quest to find out.
The End.
You can see the big flaw in this story, right? And no, it's not the fact that it ends with "The End". Even I, as the writer, want to know why this guy's been made to forget himself and what it is that he needs to find out, and me, as the writer, should know this. But me, being me, doesn't know this and is waiting for the expansion of the idea to come to me so me can stop being so me and start being the writer.
But I digress, I've just spent the last week finishing both Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Super Mario Galaxy (in that order) and spent the remainders of today (or yesterday really, I notice it's now 1am that I type this) finishing off Super Smash Bros. Brawl so my eyes are throbbing, my brain is full of 3D animations and my fingers are tired from having to type out the names of those games. I suppose it is my own fault for going with the games with long titles, which is why the next on my list is little known Japanesey-styley Ōkami.
Although, exactly why I have a list of games lined up for obsessive-compulsive gameplay completely elludes me considering I'm trying to further my story ideas.
So I've got this idea, right. It's about this short, fat Italian bloke, who's a plumber by day, right, and his girlfriend is a princess who lives in a massive castle, but she gets kidnapped by an intergalactic dinosaur (or summink) and he goes to rescue his princess girlfriend from space and he gets helped out by some little people who look like mushrooms, right...