Friday 26 August 2011

The Grand Proof-Read Of 2011

I spent most of last night (I say "last night", it was really 1am, thus, early today, but for the sake of now existing in a totally different stream of consciousness, what is technically today will henceforth be known as "last night") reading over a bunch of my older posts on this 'ere incarnation of my inner thoughts and that. As it happens, there are seventy-nine of them (well, eighty now with this), and I seem to have a knack for mis-spelling words, leaving words out, missing grammar, missing spaces, and all that kinda crap that I generally hate and usually complain about when other people do them. These seem to be mere instances of human error; after all, you'd probably accidently end up adding an extra "o" to "to" to make "too" and looking foolish because of it if you typed a thousand-or-so words off the top of your head. I, however, refuse to believe I'm clumsy or stupid and put the whole thing down to lack of proof-reading before posting. Mainly because why would you want to read a thousand-or-so words you just expelled from your brain? There's no point putting them back in there.

Therefore, as an eightieth post extravaganza, I'm using this to let you know that I'm going through the entire lot for what I suppose I'll call (with no thought or prior planning going into this) the Grand Proof-Read of 2011. It'll probably take whole hours to complete such a task, maybe even days. It will involve me going back to the very beginning (of this one, I used to have other blog places that I posted about twice in and never bothered with again) and reliving the last two years-or-so of my life with cringing hindsight and bad grammar related tutting in an effort to get everything all ship-shape and updated.

You know, just in case you felt like checking the archives. Which you don't. Because you're an ass. Because you have your own life and you think yourself more important than anyone to take any interest in anyone else, you selfish bastard. So yeah, I'm gonna go back in time to do my best to make myself look good.

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