Wednesday 3 October 2012

Somewhat Busy

Living without regular access to the internet is odd. This little portion of the web has been recently neglected as a result. Maybe it's only been a week, maybe it's been two, maybe it's been four years and I'm just still not ready to leave university behind all the while clasping my hands to my ears, shaking my head side to side and tunelessly chanting a constant "la la la" at real life because it doesn't actually exist yet. Oh yeah, also my eyes are closed during that bit too. However long it's been since I last used lettered keys to communicate with all those seven or so people that come here via a Facebook link, mis-typed Google search or spam email (probably, although I've not moved into the world of hacking yet, I'm not that techno-savvy), it feels like ages.

Anyway, I need to use email every now and then to facilitate my third year of degree study, which involves me bumming off the free WiFi on campus. Because of this, my Student Union surroundings with that scent of chips and gravy, occasional hubbub of idiot laughter and 4Music being streamed live on a projector sponsors my communications to classmates and random blog-stumblers alike. Why, even as I type, the voice of Peter Dickson is yelling at me buy things from KFC and now there's an extended featurette of Dappy from off of N-Dubz standing on a shallow bank fishing, I shit ye not.

So what's this one all about then? Something interesting must've happened in the last six years since I was last here, especially with it being the beginning of the university year. Well, yes, that's very true. Lot's of things have happened in the past decade, but as it happens now, I'm facing a somewhat busy afternoon and evening, a busy tomorrow, busy Friday, potentially busy Saturday, and a busy every single day for the next six months until I hand in final assignments. Add that to the fact that I really have to pee right now, I'll summarise the main points without too much elaborating. Heck, maybe they could pose as the bases of a few other blog posts later in the year when my brain dries up and my social life falls down a ravine into a pile of sewage or some other metaphor like that.

Lately, I've made new friends, watched TV, cooked food, spent an obscene amount of money on archery equipment, drank certain amounts of alcohol that cannot be described as copious and sung along with Coldplay from inside my iPod. Also I've walked a lot. A heck of a lot. Oh, plus I've had a distinct lack of doing work, hence why I'm now facing an awful lot of busy days and I still really badly need to pee, so bye.

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