Wednesday 4 May 2011

Mentioning Things I've Already Mentioned

Staying indoors has its perks. For example, you don't have to communicate with people unless you feel like it, your best friends from the land of transmitted television can entertain you without engaging you in any direct conversation, and it's great if you're not looking your best. For me, it's the latter.

For months I'd been planning on doing something radical to the colour of the fibres sprouting from the top of my head. Unfortunately, this went horribly wrong and since I am unable to gauge the full extent of the damage without the ability to look at the back of my own head, I'm reluctant to leave the security of closed doors and walled environments.

It's just as well I'm away to a much anticipated gig tonight then. Only the second gig of my life I shall have you know (assuming if we discount the more "art music" shows as showcased by the University's Contemporary Arts Centre) so I be mighty looking forward to this. I am not, however, looking forward to being away from my workstation for the next four days. Knowing my luck, I'll be back here on Monday to find the Internet connection being uncooperative and forcing me to angry tears... again.

I'm having the horribly overwhelming feeling that I'm mentioning things I've already mentioned before, but when there's virtually nothing going on in this particular life, it's difficult to draw any inspiration from it. Furthermore, I have yet to switch on the people-box today so am currently unaware of any breaking news developments that might've happened at 4am this morning. Then again, that's about the time I went to sleep so naturally nothing much was happening then, else I would've stayed up. So, in the event that there's some current major world event developing as I type, then I would like to give my opinion that this event confuses, disorientates, surprises, pleases, and angers me at the present moment, and it will take me another 24 hours to digest this information.

There we go, that should do. I'll leave this one short considering the last one ended up going over my self-imposed 750-word limit by a whole thirteen words, which had to later be cut out. Without those odd words, I'm surprised if the previous post makes any sense.

Then again, do any of these things make sense?

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